1000 Figures

I was invited to take part in the Figures project started by the Rochester artist Nigel Adams. His vision is for 100 artists to each produce 1000 figures on a continuous roll of lining paper.

I completed my first roll of 1000 figures and this was another joint work with Caroline Lamoon. Caroline posed whilst I produced quick gestural ink drawings. Each drawing took about 90 seconds and my brush was a feather.

Using a very different style I have started the second roll and it is called Market People. I am producing quick drawings working from photographs taken in Faversham market.

As a glutton for punishment I then completed a second roll of 1000 people.  This one became known as ‘Market People’, using a very different style.  Once again each image had to be completed quickly, so working from photographs of visitors to Faversham market, I produced wash drawings using Inktense water soluble pencils.

Two rolls completed and no more.  Looking forward to seeing the installation of all the 100 rolls.  As to where, that is still a work in progress.