Conceptual Works

This piece is for an exhibition called Map.

The work is called Lines in the Sand.

Many humanitarian  tragedies around the world have been caused by mapmakers drawing border lines with no thought to the peoples living in the actual areas. India/Pakistan, the Levant. Lines in the sand.  Lines that inevitably lead to disputes.

The work also looks at how maps are rarely accurate or if they are then only for a short time.  The land is constantly changing.  Coasts are moving, roads and towns  are built.

The ground work for Lines in the Sand lasted for less than an hour consisting of 100 ten metre lines scratched in the sand on Margate’s Fulsam Rock beach.  There exists a 1:10 scale map of the work that will be shown at the 2022 exhibition called Map.

Photos: Jonathan Henson

Set Up Assistant: Aiden Flood